Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Christmas Snow

On Christmas Day, we woke up to almost 6 inches of snow!
 I thought the white stuff was quite interesting, but cold!

 Lincoln made me laugh when he tried to catch the snowballs Mom threw for him.

I really had fun in my sled from Grandma - thanks Grandma!

A Dewey White Christmas

On Christmas Eve, Grandpa Larry and Grandma, Aunt Cheryl & Uncle John and Nate & Emily came to Dewey to celebrate Christmas together at our house.
 We played video games...
 Mom made asparagus soup with goat cheese (I really liked it!)...
 And I had so much fun crawling under the dinner table!
 Everyone ate crab legs; I even had a small taste, but don't think I like that just yet...
Dinner was fantastic! I especially liked grandma's scalloped potatoes and dipping my vegetables in the french dressing.

Nate got a really awesome Darth Vader mask...scary!
 And Linc got a bone that kept him busy all night!
I also got some great gifts and am so lucky for my loving family. Thanks for all the amazing presents and I really enjoyed waking up with you on Christmas morning! I love you & Merry Christmas!


We celebrated Christmas in Wheaton too and Ander played Santa!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in Rockford

We celebrated Christmas early in Rockford with Great Grandma Shirley & Great Grandpa Marshall, Grandpa Larry & Grandma Laurel, Aunt Lynn & Uncle Rick, Lindsay, Erin & Matt, Aunt Janel & Uncle Jamie, Isabella and Lucy. Ander had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed spending time with the family. He is a very lucky boy and received some really nice clothes and toys. Thank you everyone!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh No Mo' Snow!

We woke up to over six inches of snow this morning! Ander's Mom and Dad had to get out early and plow the driveway. The ladies were snowed-in so we had to shovel out the coop-run too.

Ander wasn't that impressed with all the snow. The tater tots we made for breakfast kept him happy.