Monday, May 31, 2010

Washing away Wrigley

After a long sweaty day at Wrigley...

First Cubs Game at Wrigley!

We took Ander to his first game at Wrigley Field this weekend. Even though the Cubs lost, we still had a great day at the ballpark. We met Kerry and Erik before the game for breakfast. Then we walked together to Clark and Addison. Ander won the award for cutest Cubs fan, with his mom coming in a close second!

Wilton Ave

In Chicago this weekend, Ander got to see the first apartment his mom and dad lived in together--over ten years ago! Wow.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Molly, Tommy, and Ander

The Fitzsimmons Family drove down from Chicago today. It was hot; in the 90's! But we still had fun.

Brendan, Tommy, and Mojo even took the old tractor for a spin around the yard.

Ando Calrission

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Grandma Ouellet Visit

Even though Ander wasn't feeling well, we really enjoyed seeing Grandma and walking back to the creek!

Feeling Good (Video)

I stayed home with Ander today since he was sick. As you can tell, he is feeling much better!

Jumpster (VIDEO)

It sounds like Ander says "Dada" at the end of this video!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wandering Our Woods

We took Ander walking through the backyard today. He really liked the yellow flowers; we didn't tell him they're actually weeds.

Gardening is Good

We got some gardening done this week...tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries so far...

Happy Mother's Day

Ander gave me a beautiful rose for Mother's Day! And Dad gave me a nice gift and took me out to dinner. What a wonderful first Mother's Day as a mom.
Ander is getting so big. He sits in his high chair and loves eating bananas & blueberries!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lars Grande

Grandma and Grandpa Larson dropped in tonight for dinner. Ander felt the love.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Steppin' Out

Mom dressed up Ander for his day care pictures today! He was looking smart!

Nap Attack!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Moving On Up...

We upgraded Ander to his high chair today. Time to get messy.

Cookie Monster

Ander is getting two top teeth to match the two he already has on the bottom. Mom gave him a 'teething biscuit' today and he chomp chomp chomped it all down!

Saturday, May 1, 2010